Thursday, March 23, 2006

Now ,Little Man, I give the watch to you

Both my Grandmother and Grandfather died this week. Ruth's funeral was Saturday. Al's will be Monday. Soon, their possessions will be handed down to the relatives and friends. My father has more possessions than his house will hold, and the garage is in similar troubles. Heavily into antiques, estate sales, and ebay, he has an extensive collection of flow blue plates, American primitive and craftsman furniture and lamps, and strangely enough.....taxidermy. Other than a moose, mountain goat, grizzly bear rug, 4 ducks, a rooster, a buck, walrus tusks, a buffalo rug, and a wild boar, some of his more unusual finds are a lamp made from 3 zebra legs, an elephant leg umbrella/cane stand, and a whale-penis cane. I don't necessarily believe in Destiny (how could I, I'm not king) but it seems like the foot of the largest mammal on land and the penis of the largest mammal at sea have a place in each other.

My father also owns a stuffed beaver that I have agreed to take home with me. I was always amused by the novelty of the piece, but it's history and return to my father's ownership made it impossible to pass up. My father had the piece for years, and one of his friends, that was also an animal lover, always complimented the piece when she visited. Margaret was her name and she had a pug and two cats. After a number of years my father decided to give it to her. Margaret had it for a few years. When she died, the beaver went back to my father, but it returned looking a little different than when he gave it to her. Apparently, the beaver had something that smelled or tasted interesting to Margaret's cats and they licked the beaver fur every which way until it looked vaguely like the beaver was wearing product in it's hair. This it the piece as it stands now and gets handed down to me.


Blogger *ArtStar* said...

WOW! that thing is crazy lookin'! i cant wait to see it in person - great photo!

and oh...the watch reference - NICE!

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know i didn't come to your show but will you come to mine? Its May 12th. I lost your address.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be there. Should I just look online for anonymous art show or will you tell me who you are? (JP?)

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah sorry (JP)

8:06 AM  

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